Sunday 11 March 2018

BLOG 387

BLOG 387
This week I have set to and tidied my work space! Not a job I particularly like to do really but I cannot bear it when I can’t see any working surfaces any more. So, periodically I have a good turn-out, sort-out and throw-out. During the course of this therapeutic but non-creative process, I came across things which have served me well for this week’s blog!
Firstly, I found a pile of paper strips which were cut away from the A4 sheets I used last year as a foundation for a scrap quilt. As I dislike waste, I began to ponder how I could use them to make a scrap quilt this year. So, armed with a bag of colourful strips, a sewing machine to sew straight lines and the seed of an idea, I began to sew. I tried several paper layouts first and here’s the progress.
              Foundation paper

            Bag of bits

               Layout 1

           Layout 2
               Layout 3

              Stitch and flip




                6 blocks

                Varied centres
I like this project and will find the odd half hour during the weeks to come to sew more strips. It is mindless sewing and easy to start and stop and I have the satisfaction of seeing the bag of bits going down gradually. (I had to wrestle with myself not to keep the itsy bitsy bits which were trimmed away; that’s going a bit too small for me!)

And secondly, I found a pile of ready-bonded hearts in rich colours, ready for some project long forgotten! I have a drawer of calico fabrics that I dyed enthusiastically years ago only to realise that there were much nicer ready–dyed fabrics already on the market to buy! I have never dyed since! I cut 6 ½” background squares, fused the hearts centrally and joined the squares together in rows and the rows together to form a quilt centre. A colourful border fabric was added to complete another quilt top. Job done; 4 down, 2 to go!
              Bonded hearts

           Dyed calico

                 Background squares
                Fused hearts


                  Quilt centre

               Bordered centre







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