Blog 480
This week I managed to make what I thought would be another
Linus quilt, but I liked it so much that I am now going to make it into a
single bed quilt. Each block measures 14 ½” before construction and the blocks
will be joined together with a 1 ½” strip. It’s not an original block and it
wasn’t quite designed on ‘the back of an envelope’ because I did manage to find
a scrap of paper to work out the size of my centre square! My colourful strips
measured 11” x 4” (they are half of the original rectangle) so the centre
square needed to be cut at 7 ½”.
I placed the first strip for side 1 RS together with the
centre square, making one edge of the strip align with one edge of the square.
I sewed with a ¼” seam from the aligned edge and stopped 2” from the corner of
the black square to attach side 1 (the rest of this strip will be sewn in pace
when side 4 has been attached). The seams on the strips were pushing the seam
allowance towards the black fabric so I pressed them in that direction.
Side 3 was aligned along the third side and sewn.

And finally, I was able to finish sewing the remainder of
side 1 to complete the block.

This block was a joy to do and it went together very quickly
because I had amassed a pile of striped sides. Before I went any further, I
pressed all the blocks and measured them to make sure that they were all the same
size. They weren’t so I had to trim them down to the size of the smallest
before contemplating sewing them together. You can see from the picture that I
am talking of tiny trimmings here (¼” or less).