Sunday 26 August 2018

BLOG 408

BLOG 408
I am back again from holiday but I have been laid low with a throat infection and head cold (‘reet badly’ as we say up North!). I blame the 10 hour night flight and the recycled air in the cabin! It is nearly a week since we landed and I am still suffering!  Add jet lag to that and a suitcase that didn’t travel back with us and you more or less have the flavour of the last 7 days! And what does this girl do when she is below par, she turns to her fabric! The colourwash was on the wall waiting for my return and I just picked up where I left off. This is at the stage where it is mindless pinning and sewing and it was just what I needed for rest and recuperation therapy.


As I was working on it I wondered if placing the strips on the diagonal would make any difference so I tried the idea on my design wall. Thankfully I came to the conclusion that it didn’t, so that has saved a bit of time and effort!


The problem now is that I have so few dark Liberty fabrics so I am going to store the project away until I can buy some more!


Another ‘stored’ project is the half square triangles; again I need to get somewhere to buy ‘light’ tone-on-tones to go with the remaining ‘dark’ squares.

 It’s always good to have plenty of projects in progress and I can do both these present projects standing on my head. They are not challenging, just fabric-reducing exercises, nothing more, but my creative self yearns to be fed! I love to work with Batiks and Bali’s, in a painterly fashion, and I need to get something underway fairly promptly. The prelude to this is getting a feel of the fabrics through sorting and tidying. This is almost a meditative process and I try not to dribble too much on my fabrics. It reminds me of the feel of the fabrics and of the fabulous colours and soon they start to inspire me. You will just have to ‘Watch this space’ if you are interested, to see what I come up with and how I go about it. No pressure there then.



And, as usual, lots of scraps appeared during this process so I reckon there will be another colourful scrap quilt underway again before too long!


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