Sunday 14 June 2020

BLOG 500

Blog 500

This is certainly a huge milestone in my blog journey! There will be no singing and dancing though, just a quiet pat on my back as a nod to my commitment to this space every week. I did contemplate finishing at Blog 500 but then I concluded that the blog actually keeps me focused on my sewing just as the sewing provides me with the subject matter for blogging; they are intertwined. And I fear I might not be so productive if I didn’t have the focus of this Sunday blog. In addition I feel a sense of loyalty to my small select band of regular readers, my friends in the dark as I like to think of you, so I will continue for the time being.
 I started this blog as a journal, a quiet record of my creative endeavours and this is how it has remained. I have never tried to sell anything or become a platform for annoying advertisements; it’s just my on-going diary of creativity. So to mark this occasion I have been through my archives and pulled out some pictures to show the variety and scope of my work, ending with my latest quilt.  I hope you enjoy this show and tell and thank you for your continued interest.


  1. It's lovely to see the variety of your work, I am one of the 'silent ones' who look every Sunday! Congratulations! xx Jenny

    1. Hello Jennywren and thanks for responding. It's good to know that you enjoy my blog. Makes it worth all the effort

  2. What a lovely retrospective of your work Dilys. Here's to many more interesting blog posts.


    1. Hiya Jayne, always good to hear from you. Ever constant! Hope it's not long till we can be chatting again at Gresford! Dx

  3. Hi Dylis, All your wonderful inspirational work, thankyou so much for sharing it. I so look forward to sunday evening and the next creation. I don't get that much sewing at the moment as Chris needs a bit of care following strokes. My lockdown quilt has been your light and dark triangles.Alison in Devon !

    1. Hello Alison in Devon. Sorry to hear about Chris but good to know that you are still able to find time to continue with you triangle quilt. There must be some comfort in that. Take care and thanks for getting in touch. Dilys

  4. What a brilliant sister I have, so talented. Thanks for all blogs and the many items you've made me over the years, the latest being masks to keep us both safe. Keep posting as I look forward to reading about your latest project love you lots. Xx

    1. Unknown!! Right. Hiya Gwyn. Surely that should be best known!! Lots of love to you too. Dx

  5. Please keep the blog going. I read every week. Hope u r all keeping well. Awena

    1. Hi Awena. Hope you are keeping safe and well in these unsettling time. Hope too that you are still creating and I look forward to seeing your creative endeavours in the fullness of time. Dx
