Sunday 21 June 2020

BLOG 501

Blog 501

Firstly I’d just like to thank all you who got in touch via my blog or via email. It was good for me to know that you enjoy seeing my work and it encourages me to continue posting. Thank you.
This week I pressed on and finished my turtle wall hanging because most days were stormy and wet and not conducive to outdoor activity. It is my intention to enter it into the Festival of Quilts ‘virtual’ competition. Here are some pictures of the applique, plastics and general progress.

In Progress

Added Base Line

Prepared Plastics

Plastic Sun

Bin Liner Trees in Preparation


Preparing Coral

Constructing the Reef

Detail of Stitching 1

Detail of Stitching 2

Completed Coral

Quilting Detail 1

Quilting Detail 2

Finished and Bound

The turtle is completely surrounded by plastic so to add drama to the image, and to represent the encroaching and all-enveloping environmental disaster, I used grey voile along the right and left sides to create shadow.
And finally, I always find that settling on a title is the hardest part of the quilt making process and I have mulled over all sorts of suggestions. In the end I decided upon ‘Falling to Pieces’ as a nod to the fragmentation of my design and as an acknowledgement of the fragility of the environment.


  1. It is a beautiful piece of work, and as you say indicative of the fragility of the Planet.

  2. Hiya Jane!😁
    Thanks for your comment. Feel a bit edgy now that it's finished. I need to get my teeth into something else. X

  3. Its really lovely and the title is so apt.
    I love the bin bag trees a lot of thought has gone into the finished creation.

  4. Glad you like it Jackie and also Katie's picture! I changed the title to Turning Turtle in the end. X
