Sunday 4 April 2021

BLOG 542


Blog 542


Happy Easter, and what a lovely one it is! Although the temperatures plummet at night, the days are bright and sunny. My garden is waking up with vigour now and the resulting areas of colour give me immense pleasure.  Here’s a picture of a spring display, with snake’s head fritillary towering majestically over the other plants. This particular plant was given to me by my quilting friend Jennifer who poignantly suffered a debilitating stroke a few years ago and is now very frail in a nursing home. What a lovely reminder I have of her every spring!


Happy Easter


As far as sewing is concerned, I have continued to use the building blocks that were prepared for the making of Linus quilts. This time I was able to find a distinctive Batik which I used to border each square.

Building blocks



ordered blocks

Progress 1

Progress 2


I have chosen another Batik which I will place between the blocks for light relief. This looks totally different to the other Linus quilts I have made over the last few blogs and it only goes to show what you can do with simple 2½” x 4½” building blocks and an additional fabric(s).

Potential border fabric


Another part-made quilt (Disappearing Four Patch) had been put to one side because I didn’t have a suitable fabric to go with it. During a rare bout of tidying, I came across a striped fabric which complemented the fabrics used. I’m looking forward to seeing what I’ll come up with on that one!

Another border, another quilt!











  1. The garden is looking good Dil. The quilts aren't bad either.

  2. Cheers Gwyn! It's amazing how fast the garden grows after a little sun. Love it! X
