Sunday 18 April 2021

BLOG 544

BLOG 544


I have had a busy week in the garden what with the fine weather and the onset of spring, which in turn means that I haven’t got my teeth into anything worth show-casing this week. So I looked around me for some quilting memorabilia to look at in more depth and I chose this cross stitch sampler. It is a cherished item that was pain-stakingly made by my mother many moons ago and I just love it! It has hung on the wall for the 15 years we have lived here and because of that we tend not to notice it any more. My mother witnessed every step of my growth in quilting, teaching and writing and she was immensely proud of me. With this picture, she demonstrates her expertise in cross stitch whilst acknowledging my love of quilting. Enjoy! (Photography through glass is problematic so apologies for the quality of the pictures)

Cross stitch sampler


Block 1

Block 2


Block 3


Block 4


Block 5


Block 6


Block 7


Block 8


Block 9


Block 10


Block 11

Block 12


  1. Just love it. So special.

  2. It is special isn't it. I'm not a fan of doing cross stitch but I love the effect of it.
