Monday 7 May 2012



Last week I demonstrated how to create the individual blocks for the Signature quilt. This week I will show you how to construct the squares.

Place the squares in sequence:-

LINE 1: Signature square, star-point, signature square

LINE 2: Star-point, coloured square, star-point

LINE 3: Signature square, star-point, signature square

Placement of the squares

TIP: Always lay out the squares in sequence beside your sewing machine. There will be no confusion about what goes where and which square is attached to which. This is a logical way of working.

Place a corner square onto a star-point square and align the raw edges. Put the point of the pin into the exact place where the seams cross over.

Pin at the cross-over

Sew the squares together with an accurate ¼” seam and a neutral thread. Check the seam from the right side.

TIP: When looking at a quilt, the eyes go straight for the points, so it is important to make sure that they are sharp.

Sew and Check

Create the middle line by joining the star-point squares to the coloured square.

The middle line

For perfect points, pin accurately before sewing accurately. Make sure that the line of stitches goes right over the place where the seams cross.

Pin accurately

Sew accurately

Perfect points

Sew line to line to create the block.

In preparation, iron the seam allowances so that they can be butted up together for sewing.

Iron the seams of the top and bottom lines away from the centre.

Iron the seams of the middle line towards the centre.

Squares into lines

Pin where the seams cross over and butt up the seam allowances. I have used 5 pins at these points, to stabilise the edges ready for sewing. Sew with an accurate ¼” seam.

Sew line to line

Close up of joins.

Next week I will complete the sequence for this quilt.

Have a good Bank Holiday Monday; it’s raining here so nothing new there then?!

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